Door & Lock Reinforcement
Reinforcing your door and lock is crucial for enhancing home security as it serves as the first line of defense against potential intruders, effectively deterring break-ins and ensuring the safety of your family.
Maximizing Your Safety: Advanced Door Security Features
GTA Door Repair Toronto can visit your business or home to ensure you have the best door security reinforcement. With security reinforcement, it will fortify the door and frame to prevent unintentional entry or repairs from forced entry damage. Review your front door to help determine what reinforcement is best for your needs today.
Homes • Schools • Universities • Churches • Retail Businesses • Office Campuses • Government Buildings
The Complete Reinforcement Kit
Upgrade your door security with the strongest kit out there that reinforces both the frame and hinges.

Budget Door Reinforcement
A simple strike plate upgrade with longer screws exponentially improves your door jamb.

Home Reinforcement Lock
security door Lock adds extra security measures for your family members while you aways on business.

The Best Door Security Reinforcements Toronto
GTA Door Repair Toronto provides door security reinforcement using different products as follows:
Don-Jo Wrap-Around and Deadbolt Plates
with a door wrap, you can add extra security to your front and back doors or even help with repairs where a door is broken.
Don-Jo Deadbolt Door Edge Protector and Handle
a double-hole wrap adds security to both the deadbolt and handle.
Speciality Door Wrap Around Edge-Guard
a mortise lock wrap adds more security to locksets and digital entry security.
Inswing Door Latch Guard
add more security to our aluminum entrance door as we have the parts to match your security needs, supporting a variety of styles.
Outswing Door Latch Guards
Lock Guards for a storefront door to apartment doors.
Latch Guards
Outswing Door and Electric Strike Door Latch Guards
We have a door and lock reinforcement plates for all types
These are only a few products we can provide to add security to your residential and commercial business.
Whether you need a Bolt Buddy or a Jamb Striker, we can help to fit one to your existing door.
Contact GTA Door Today For All Your Door Security Reinforcement Needs